Sweepstakes, USA

Hop Aboard to Win Sweepstakes at McDonald’s

November 20, 2020

Enter to McDonald’s Hop Aboard to Win Sweepstakes Sponsored by McDonald’s USA, LLC. in which you have a chance to win a five-day, four-night vacation for four to Walt Disney World Resort near Orlando, Florida. The interested participants wants to play Magic At McD Hop Aboard to Win Sweepstakes and wants to Get MCD Hop Aboard to Win Game Tickets, needs to Purchase Mickey & Minnie’s Runaway Railway Happy Meal box and get a Magic At MCD Game Ticket with 12-digit alphanumerical code. Each Code is valid for one-time use on McDonald’s app or on the Website: MagicAtMcD.com.

McDonald’s Hop Aboard to Win Sweepstakes

MagicAtMcD.com Scan/Enter Code – McDonald’s Hop Aboard to Win Sweepstakes 2020

How to Enter:

There is Three ways to get entry in this sweepstakes:

  • McDonald’s App: You can play the Hop Aboard to Win Sweepstakes at McDonald’s App, During the Game Period, click on the Hop Aboard to Win Sweepstakes promotion card card in their App and follow the instructions to complete the Game sign-up process. And once you logged in, To play the game now “Scan the Code” to scan the 2D-barcode; or to enter the 12-digit alphanumeric Code found on the Game Ticket, click on “Scan Code” then “Add Code Manually”.
  • Enter Via Website: Visit the Magic At MCD website at www.MagicAtMcD.com now login into your Happy Meal account (If You a have Account Already if not then Complete the Sign Up process) then click on “Add Code” to manually enter a valid MagicAtMcD Code to receive a Game Play.
  • Without Making Purchase: Mail a piece of paper on which you have legibly handwritten your first and last name, street address, city, state, ZIP Code and a daytime telephone number, place the piece of paper in an envelope and send to: Hop Aboard to Win Sweepstakes Entry, P.O. Box 49248, Strongsville, OH 44149-0248. Mailing envelope must include a return address in the upper left corner that matches the entrant’s street address, must be postmarked by January 19, 2021, and must be received by January 25, 2021.

Eligibility: The MagicAtMcD.com Sweepstakes is open for the legal resident of United States, District of Columbia who are at least 18 years old or older at the time of entry.

Duration: The McDonald’s Hop Aboard to Win Sweepstakes at MagicAtMcD.com begins at 12:00:00 a.m. Eastern Time (“ET”) on November 17, 2020, and ends at 11:59:59 p.m. ET on January 18, 2021.

Prizes: In MagicAtMcD.com 2020 Game prize distribution given below :

(15) Grand Prizes:

Each Winner will receive a five-day, four-night vacation for four to Walt Disney World Resort near Orlando, Florida.

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