Contests, USA

Purina Tidy Care Refresh Contest 2023

April 25, 2023

Enter to Purina Tidy Care Refresh Contest Sponsored by Brandmovers, Inc. in which you have a chance to win a $5,000 Walmart Gift Card to go towards the Refresh transformation. The interested participants wants to play Purina Contest needs to visit to complete and submit your entry form with valid details.

Purina Tidy Care Refresh Contest – Purina Tidy Care Refresh Contest 2023

Eligibility Criteria for NestlE Purina PetCare Company Tidy Care Refresh Contest:

Open for the legal resident of 50 United States including the District of Columbia who are 18 year old or older at the time of entry.

Duration for NestlE Purina Tidy Care Refresh Sweepstakes:

Begins on April 10, 2023 at 12:00:00 AM Central Time (CT) and ends on May 8, 2023 at 11:59:59 PM CT. Contest 2023 Prize Winners:

In TidyCareRefresh com Contest prize distribution given below:

(1) Grand Prize:

Winner will receive a $5,000 Walmart Gift Card to go towards the Refresh transformation, 1-year supply of Tidy Care Comfort cat litter, awarded as twenty (20) manufacturers coupons, each good for a 24 lb. box (Free up to $29.99) of Tidy Cats Tidy CareTM comfort cat litter, 1-year W+ subscription and a virtual consultation with a Sponsor-selected design expert, along with a virtual consultation with Purina Principal Pet Behavior Specialist.

(5) Runner Up Prizes:

Winner will receive a Tidy Care prize pack consisting $100 in Purina Tidy Cats product coupons and 1-year W+ subscription.

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