Enter to 19 Crimes Find the 19th Cork Sweepstakes sponsored by Treasury Wine Estates Americas Company. in which you have a chance to win a $19,000 cash prize in the form of a check. The interested participants wants to play 19crimes 19thcork Sweepstakes needs to visit 19thcork.com or 19crimes.com/19thcork to complete and submit entry form with valid details.
19 Crimes Find the 19th Cork Sweepstakes 2022
Eligibility criteria for 19 Crimes Find the 19th Cork Sweepstakes Hidden Keywords:
Open to legal residents of the fifty (50) United States and the District of Columbia who are 21 years of age or older at the time of entry.
Duration for 19 Crimes Hidden Keywords Sweepstakes:
Begins begins on January 4, 2022 at 12:00 PM (noon) Eastern Time (“ET”) and ends on February 28, 2022 at 11:59:59 PM ET.
19thcork.com Sweepstakes 2022 Prizes Winners:
In 19crimes.com Sweepstakes prize distribution given below:
(1) Grand Prize:
Winner will receive a $19,000 cash prize in the form of a check .
(101) Secondary Prizes:
(22) A Wine Opener (ARV: $20 for each)
(22) A Coaster Set (ARV: $20 for each)
(15) A Charging Pad (ARV: $25 for each)
(13) A 19 Crimes Watch (ARV: $40 for each)
(2) A 19 Crimes Pelican Cooler (ARV: $150 for each)
(2) A Pair of Beats Studio Wireless Headpho nes (ARV: $325 for each)
(25) A Pop Socket (ARV: $10 for each).
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