Sweepstakes, USA

Monkey Shoulder Music Sweepstakes

October 11, 2021

Enter to Monkey Shoulder Music Sweepstakes Sponsored by Monkey Shoulder, in which you have a chance to Win a free boom box or a $100 Spotify free gift card. The interested participants wants to play #MonkeyMusicSweepstakes needs to visit Monkeymusicsweeps.com to complete and submit your entry form with valid details.

Monkey Music Sweepstakes

Monkey Shoulder Music Sweepstakes 2021

Eligibility Criteria for Monkey Shoulder Boom Box Giveaway:

Monkey Shoulder Music Promotion open for the legal permanent residents of California, Florida, Illinois, Michigan, and Texas who are the older of twenty one (21) years of age at the time of entry.

Duration for Monkey Music Sweepstakes:

Begins at 12:00 am Pacific Time (“PT”) on October 1, 2021, and ends at 11.59 pm PT on October 31, 2021.

Monkeymusicsweeps.com Sweepstakes Prize Winners:

In Monkeymusicsweeps Com Sweepstakes prize distribution given below :

(1) Grand Prize Winner will receive a $300 gift card from Porter Road to be redeemed at PorterRoad.com;
1 NOMAD Grill & Smoker, 10 lbs NOMAD Fire Charcoal and 20 Tumbleweed fire starters with an approximate retail value of $649;
1 Thermapen ONE and 1 Signal BBQ Alarmone from ThermoWorks with an approximate retail value of $344;
1 Blaze Orange 26QT Cooler, 26QT Basket, Seafoam 34oz Hydra, and Black 34oz Hydra from Orca Coolers with an approximate retail value of $360.96;
1 Gladiator Series 8 Piece Knife Set Block from Dalstrong Knives with an approximate retail value of $299.99;
A $300 gift card from Taylor Shellfish to be redeemed at TaylorShellfish.com or phone (360) 426-6178; and
A 5 pack of sauce/honey, a 5 pack of spices, a 2 pack of hot pepper conserve, 1 flask, 1 hat from Red Clay with an approximate retail value of $140.
The approximate aggregate retail value of the prize is $2,393.95.

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