Enter to Viking Cruises Downton Abbey Sweepstakes aka Viking River Cruises Highclere Castle Sweepstakes Sponsored by Viking Cruises, Inc. in which you have a chance to win a Two (2) tickets to Downton Abbey. The interested participants wants to play Viking Cruises Sweepstakes needs to visit Vikingcruises.com/sweepstakes or Viking.com/downton or Vrc-ca.com/downton to complete and submit your entry form with valid details.
Viking Cruises Downton Abbey Sweepstakes 2022
Eligibility Criteria for Downton Abbey: A New Era Premiere, Paris River Voyage & Highclere Castle Sweepstakes:
Open for the legal resident of United States, Washington DC, Canada who are 18 or older at the time of entry.
Duration for Viking Downton Sweepstakes:
Begins on January 1, 2022 at 12:01 A.M. PT and ends on April 30, 2022 at 11:59 P.M. PT.
Vikingrivercruises.com Sweepstakes 2022 Prize Winners:
In Vikingrivercruises com Sweepstakes prize distribution given below:
(2) Grand Prizes:
Winner will receive a Two (2) tickets to Downton Abbey: A New Era Premiere, Three (3) night stay, Round-trip business class air for two (2) from a select Viking Cruises North America, Premium hotel accommodations, Transportation to and from Premiere and Hotel meal voucher.
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