Enter to WMJI Legacy Village Holiday Contest Sponsored by iHeartMedia + Entertainment, Inc. in which you have a chance to win a $1000 Legacy Village Gift Cards. The interested participants wants to play WMJI Contest needs to visit WMMS.com/contests or WMJI.com/contests or WTAM.com/contests or WGAR.com/contests or 1065TheLAKE.com/contests or KISSCleveland.com/contests or REAL1061Cleveland.com/contests and/or 1350TheGambler.com/contests to complete and submit your entry form with valid details.
WMJI Legacy Village Holiday Contest 2021
Eligibility Criteria for WMJI Legacy Village Holiday Shopping Spree Sweepstakes:
Open for the legal U.S. residents, Who are 18 years of age or older at the time of entry.
Duration for 100.7 WMMS Legacy Village Holiday Shopping Spree Sweepstakes:
Begins on Monday, November 15, 2021 at 12:00:01 [am] [EST] and ends on Sunday December 12, 2021 at 11:59:00 [pm] [EST].
WMJI.com Contest 2021 Prize Winners:
In this Sweepstakes prize distribution given below :
(1) Grand Prize:
Winner will receive a $1000 Legacy Village Gift Cards.
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